A datum is a coordinate system with a reference surface that provides already known locations in order to create maps accurately. Currently, for the United States, there are two datums. The North American Datum of 1983 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. These serve has a reference point to ensure that the coordinates and points on our maps are accurate. In this lab, we used a set of ground control points that were bad in order to gain a better understanding of how to work around these errors. We used ArcGIS Pro in order to analyze the data.
#1: Discover, identify, and apply basic concepts behind geographic datums
#2: Recognize, relate, and compare different types of datums in ArcPro
#3: Demonstrate proficiency and knowledge on how to effectively bring XYZ coordinate data into both ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Earth
#4: Demonstrate proficiency and knowledge on how to effectively determine the quality of a dataset and identify issues with the vertical datum
To start with this lab, we began by looking at the GCP data in an excel document. The data in this document was leaving a lot to be desired. There was not much information in terms of explaining what the various things were. Most importantly it did not display a projection for data analysis. It is important to never guess what the projection of a dataset is. In this case it was able to be figured out by looking at the numbers. (Figure.1)
(Figure.1 GCP Data) |
After analyzing the GCP data we moved into ArcGIS Pro to dive deeper into our analysis. The map that we started with was a simple base map with only the GCPs placed. (Figure.2) From here we imported a .txt file that contained the XYZ coordinates for the GCPs. (Figure.3)
(Figure.2 Base Map) |
(Figure.3 .txt File) |
From here we then wanted to import the point data into ArcPro. By clicking on the 'Add Data' dropdown we were given options in which this case we chose 'XY Point Data'. A window appears on the right hand side of the screen with fields that we must fill in. For starters, importing the table of point data into the 'Input Table'. The 'Output Feature Class' will fill itself out automatically in this case. Then we verified that the XYZ fields were correct and that the coordinate system was set to WGS84. (Figure.4)
(Figure.4 XY Point Data Window) |
(Figure.6 Points in Antarctica) |
(Figure.7 Correct GCP locations) |
(Figure.8 ArcGIS Earth Data Points) |
In order to get the correct measurement for elevation, we used the National Geodetic Survey Data Explorer website. From here we located the area that the operation was conducted and found the marker that was closest to our data. The information showed that the Ortho height was 381.550 and the Ellip height was 347.830. The difference between those numbers is roughly 34.(Figure.9)
(Figure.9 National Geodetic Survey Data Explorer) |
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