Lab #1 Blog Creation
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
3 - In terms of blog creation, I have created a few other blogs using blogger in the past for other classes. I had a good amount of knowledge to help get started and create the blog but not quite enough to mess around some of the finer details like specific layouts.
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - After watching some tutorials and viewing different websites that gave insight on how to navigate Blogger more efficiently, I would feel that I have gained some knowledge that I did not have before. I feel that I would be able to teach someone the basics and how to get to where I am. However, I do not feel I am an expert and that there is still much more I could learn.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
5 - Overall, I am a very hands-on learner so this approach was exactly what I need to get a grasp on Blogger. Being able to view different tutorials and then go on my own page and mess around with different settings was immensely helpful. Trial and error is the best way to learn new content and due to the hands-on approach I was able to do this.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
The main thing that I would recommend to make this activity even better is to, instead of having us search for links, provide links that you feel as a professor are good for introductory lessons. From there, have us search for information that will help us further our knowledge and make our blogs look even better.
Lab #2 Exploring the Digital Transformation
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
3 - Before this activity I knew a decent amount on the digital transformation. I have taken a few other classes that explained this evolution and how it affects the world today. However, I never thought about how it affects the unmanned aircraft industry and the possible benefits it could have.
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
3 - I feel that I know enough to be able to explain what the digital transformation is and how it affects the aviation industry, more specifically, unmanned aircraft. I do not feel that I would be able to teach someone enough to have them go out and do the same, however, with some more research and application of the subject, I would definitely be able to teach someone.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
5 - The hands on approach really helped me to learn how the digital transformation has affected the industry. Having me research and pay attention to how different keywords resulted in different information forced me to think about my searches. This, in return, made me far more interested in my search for information.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
Overall the strategies used in this activity were very effective. The only thing that I would recommend is having specific topics for us to research. This would help to apply the knowledge we learned in lecture.
Lab #3 Introduction to ArcGIS Earth
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
3 - Prior to this activity I would rank my self at a decent level of knowledge. I have used different applications in the realm of GIS such as ArcGIS Pro and QGIS so I had some knowledge with the tools. However, the specific tools in ArcGIS Earth were slightly different so getting used to those took some work.
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - After this activity I would say that my knowledge definitely increased. The tools that we were introduced to were explored in a way that helped us understand how they are used and how we can apply them to UAS.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
5 - I would say that the hands-on approach really helped me to learn during this lab. Instead of a video or a powerpoint showing the different tools and capabilities of ArcGIS Earth, the lab had us use the tools in different ways. This helped me to understand them immensely.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
For this lab I would suggest having us use them in mock operations. While I was able to learn how to apply them to UAS throughout the lab, I feel as though giving us some sample operations or missions to complete with the tools would help us learn even more.
Lab #4: Exploring Digital Spectral Band Concepts through Satellite Imagery
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
2 - Prior to this activity I had a small amount of knowledge on spectral bands because of assignments in previous classes.
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - After this lab I would say that I know enough to teach someone else the concepts of spectral bands and how to use them to analyze data like we did in the lab.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
5 - The hands-on approach was perfect in teaching the concepts. I felt that I was able to learn effectively through the different scenarios.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
For this activity I felt that iterating on the concepts while doing the hands-on portions would have really helped in cementing my knowledge of the topic. Overall, I felt that it did a really good job teaching me how spectral bands work
Lab #5: Introduction to ArcGIS Pro
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
2 - Prior to this lab I had almost no experience with ArcGIS Pro. I have used other programs that are similar such as QGIS but I have barely touched Arc Pro before. In a previous class we used ArcGIS Pro for a very simple lab.
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - I give this part of the assessment a 4 in terms of my ability to teach someone else the steps that I learned to complete this specific task in ArcGIS Pro. In terms of ArcGIS Pro as a whole, I would not say that I know enough to teach someone how to master the program. As of this lab, I am working towards expanding my knowledge.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
5 - I really enjoyed the hands-on approach of this lab as it allowed me to understand how the program functions as well as some of its downsides. Taking imagery and adjusting the bands myself instead of watching a video of someone else doing it really helped me learn the material.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
This lab did a really good job teaching the concept of bands while inside the ArcGIS Pro program. However, in the future I would recommend explaining the bands a little more in order to give the user a better understanding of why it acts the way it does.
Lab #6: Measure Ground Control
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
1 - Before this lab I had no knowledge of this application or of the fact that it existed. I have used similar applications before in the past but I have not used one as extensive and all inclusive as MGC
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - After this lab I feel I have enough to teach someone about the application and how to use it. I feel that the lab and tutorial video from Measure themselves really helped me learn all the information.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
3 - In terms of hands-on, I don't feel that the lab did an extremely good job at allowing us to actually use the application. The video was really helpful but I did not feel there was a whole lot in terms of hands-on
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
Having some information about an operation such as the location and type of aircraft and then having us actually go through and create a flight plan would really help to teach the material at a higher level.
Lab #7: Datums
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
1 - Before this lab I had no prior knowledge on datums or other geographic terms.
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - After this lab I feel that I could teach someone what I had done as well as repeat it.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
4 - I felt that the hands-on approach of this activity did help my ability to learn. Being able to see the right and wrongs of datums really helped.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
I do not feel like there are any other learning strategies that would make this activity better than it already was. Loading in the incorrect data and then fixing it was a sure way to teach the material.
Lab #8: Projections
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
2 - Before this lab I had little knowledge of how coordinate systems and projections work or how to use ArcGIS Pro to analyze the differences in the various spheroids
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - After this lab I feel that I have enough knowledge to teach someone about coordinate systems and how they can effect the outcome of data. This activity was helpful in really teaching the concept and the application of coordinate systems.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
5 - The explanation of the concepts prior to getting hands-on with the data was what really helped me to learn. Being able to analyze the different coordinate systems and their differences hands-on was immensely helpful.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
I do not feel that I would change anything about this activity. The concepts taught in lecture were only magnified in the training exercise which really helped to cement my knowledge of the topic.
Lab #9: Introduction to Arc Collector
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
1- Prior to this lab I had no knowledge on the application Arc Collector. Everything that was taught in this assignment was new to me.
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - After this lab I would say that I have enough knowledge to teach someone how to use Arc Collector. There are other features and functions that were not taught in this activity that I would need to research myself and learn how to use. However, in terms of adding points and being able to set them up as GCPs, I would say I am quite knowledgeable.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
5 - As with the other labs, I feel that the hands-on approach really helped. Being able to create my own points and set them up with pictures and names and then going out and actually placing them was invaluable. After having some trouble with the GPS accuracy and pathing, being out in the field doing the assignment really helped me to overcome those problems with my own knowledge.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
For this activity I felt as though the learning strategy was very successful. One thing I would note is that there was little direction in the specific GCPs that we were tasked in collecting. Some more direction here would help to hone in the assignment.
Lab #10: Pix4D (No GCPs)
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
1 - I have not used Pix4D before this assignment so everything that was taught here was brand new information.
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - After this assignment and the many errors that I had while doing it, I feel that I am fairly knowledgeable on the topic and could teach someone else.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
5 - The hands-approach in this activity was immensely helpful. For some of the previous software we just watched videos to better understand them. This lab did really well at guiding me through it and teaching me the software.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
I had a lot of errors at the beginning of this lab with images not loading and the processing taking almost 3 hours. I think that ensuring the lab computers are up to date with the latest version of the software would help immensely.
Lab #11: Pix4D (GCPs)
Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic.
(1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)
4 - Because of the previous lab, I feel that I knew a decent amount about the software going into this activity
Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic
(1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)
4 - After the many issues I had to resolve on my own, I feel that I am fairly knowledgeable on this topic.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)
4 - This lab took a step back and did not give much direction. If there was a lot of direction I would not have had as many errors as I did and, in return, would not have found solutions for those errors that I can now use in the future.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
I felt that this lab did a very good job as it is. I think the little direction we had really helped me learn beyond what this lab was about.
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